So, Katrina is a little toothless wonder! :) She has lost SIX teeth!! Here are the stories of teeth #5 and #6...
Tooth #5 (8-2-10)... This tooth was DISGUSTING!!! I mean, it was so loose, that the BACK of the tooth is what you could see when she smiled! And, she ate like that! It kinda freaked me out! Lol.. I could just imagine how it felt! Well, we were going to Roaring Springs, and I said hopefully she wouldn't lose it in a pool... She didn't want that, so she went after that tooth! Wiggled, twisted, pulled, you name it! She tried using a flosser like one of her bottom ones, but couldn't figure out how to do it on a top tooth. Finally, after she had messed with it for awhile, I said "let me see how wiggle it is." It was CRAZY wiggly.. I told her I needed a piece of toilet paper to dry it off and see how lose it was.. I pulled it right out! It took her a second to realize her tooth was gone!!! She was relieved she wouldn't lose it in the water! The tooth fairy came and left her fairy dust all over the bedroom! She loved it! Kary went nuts when she saw it! She started screaming! :)
You can kinda see how the back of her tooth is showing on the front! It was so twisted!
Yay!!! Her tooth is gone!! She had to run and show Kary!
Her pouch for her tooth covered in fairy dust!! It was also around the bedroom!
We love the tooth fairy!
Tooth #6 (8-20-10)... It was getting crazy loose... Her other front tooth.. Well, Brittney came to pick Katrina up to go camping and they were driving away and she called me to tell me something funny Katrina said about Wes (him being old.. haha) and she noticed how loose her tooth was! I had told Katrina maybe she would lose it up camping.. But, during the day it got much looser and later Friday afternoon, Katrina called to say she lost the tooth!! Yay!!! Brittney barely even pulled on it and it fell out! Kary was very excited for her sissy and had to talk to her! It's really cute to see them interact, even though they hadn't seen each other in only a few hours, they were both like I miss you sissy! :) We haven't seen her toothless smile yet, but we will today, and Kary can't wait!! :)