I am thankful for many thing this year. I didn't want to get on here everyday and post what I am thankful for each day, so I figured I would just post a big blog about all the things I am thankful for!
1. Jesus died on the cross to save a sinner like me- Now, that is love!
2. Our service men and women! Thank you for everything you do to make sure we are free!
3. We are all healthy.
4. Katrina is doing really well in home school.
5. Wes has a job with GREAT benefits.
6. Katrina's medical stuff is pretty low key now.. No big concerns; just taking her shot every night.
7. I get to stay at home with the girls and Porty!
8. My life is pretty stress free (except for the craziness that was Black Friday- I will make a separate post about that!).
9. My family is awesome! (that includes my in-laws too!)
10. Rock Band is tons of fun!
11. Gita didn't get sold or stolen in Africa! :) She weighs 95 lbs... she would have been easy to grab!
12. Gita is coming to visit next week!!!
13. Katrina and her great personality. She always adds spice to our day! She is a ball of fire, and can come up with the funniest one liners! She also has an amazing memory!
14. It's embarrassing when it is happening, but kinda funny later.. Katrina's lack of tact. She tells people exactly what she is thinking! She doesn't think about it first at all! For example: Telling the Costco worker she should get a new job, asking a women at church if she was pregnant (she wasn't), telling a man she liked his fat belly, etc!
15. Kary and how she loves learning. She loves to do Katrina's school with her, and loves to learn letters. I think she took after her daddy! She is going to be a smart one. Wes was so proud of her because she built this tall tower all by herself!

16. Kary's obsession with Christmas this year! She squeals every time we see Christmas lights or decorations (and it's only November!).
17. We have a roof over our heads.
18. We don't live in an apartment! Our neighbors would think we had a herd of elephant running through our house!
19. Our families live close. That will be the hardest thing if Wes gets into dental school... Family won't be within a 15 minute drive!
20. Brittney and I get along really well.
21. I have found a good Bible study at church.
22. The kids all love AWANA.

23. Spending time with people I love.
24. I have a camera to take pictures of the kids with! Thank you Becca and Miles.
25. We have two cars that run!
26. Leftover Thanksgiving dinner! :) Can't wait to eat it later!
So, there is a list of things I am thankful for, for each day of this month (until Thanksgiving)!