Friday, November 27, 2009


There was a really good deal on this kid scooter that I have really wanted to get Kary.. It was 50% at Toys R Us, and it was going on sale at midnight! It was 11:30pm, so Wes said, since I was still up I should at least go down and see if they still had any! So, I get to Toy R Us... The line was wrapped around to the back of the store, and then it started coming back towards the front! IT WAS INSANE! It was my first ever Black Friday shopping experience...

We finally make it in the store, and it's set up like a race track... The scooters sold out within minutes, but there was this ONE lonely Leapster on the ground. So, I snagged it up- just in case I wanted it! It was half off! I texted Wes to see what he thought, and he said it was a good deal, and the girls love playing Paul's, so I waited in line... We moved 20 feet in about 30 minutes... Then, they circled us around the bike section WHICH IS IN THE VERY BACK CORNER OF THE STORE! People kept cutting the line and they kept merging lines into ours! The workers back there were not very helpful.

Behind me about 10 people was an old friend from church, Tim Grimm. He was getting the Leapster for his son too! There was a woman holding a Leapster and Leapster 2 and she put down the Leapster, so he grabbed it really quick, because there were no more! They are going to Holland to visit Tim's parents after Christmas, so Tim and his wife want Noah (who is almost 4) to have something to do on the flight! They have a portable DVD player too!

I REALLY had to go to the bathroom, and we had only moved about 10 feet.. So, I handed the Leapster to Tim, and asked him if he would hold it while I ran to pee! He asked how I knew he wouldn't just take it... I was like whatever and walked off! He is a great guy and if he had, I would have told his dad!! :) Just getting to the bathroom was nuts! By the time I got back, Tim moved....... drum roll please.... TWO FEET! That is how slow the line was going!

Well, Tim's wife, Anna, was somewhere in the store, but she forgot her phone at home, so we couldn't get ahold of her.. We were debating whether or not to leave the line and go find her, because she was looking at stuff up at the front. While we were still debating this, she borrowed a phone from a worker and called Tim to tell him to come up to the front to get in line with her. So, I joined them too! THANK YOU!

While we were in the store, there was a Code Adam... missing child.. It turns out, she was right behind Anna! She grabbed her hand and pushed her way through yelling she had the missing girl. People yelled at her saying she was a liar and it wasn't true! SERIOUSLY!? Would people fake a missing child to cut in line?! But, she stood at the front watching for Tim that whole time we were in the back of the store, so she asked the lady working if she called him, if he could join her up in line. She said YES! Whoo hoo! We were probably in line for another 15 minutes or so before we got check out! AWESOME! (Wes couldn't believe that people were yelling at her! He was like, I would have gone back there and chewed them out!)

I think it was around 2am when I got home... I was there for a little over 2 hours and most of that time was standing in the back of the store in the check out line... WOW! I don't know if I'll ever brave it again, but if I do, I have learned some good lessons! So, that was my crazy initiation into Black Friday! THANK YOU TIM AND ANNA FOR MAKING IT BETTER!!!

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