So, last night, Brittney and I went to see the midnight showing of NEW MOON for her birthday! I was SO excited! We ate dinner at my house, then left the girls with Mema until Wes got home from work. We wanted to make sure we got there early in case there was a line! We got there at about 8pm... parked in a super small parking garage (we were at Edwards in BODO), and had some coffee (I had my lovely soy chai tea)!
There were a few lines, so we asked a man working there where we were supposed to go... He said we could pay $5 and go watch Twilight, and then just stay in that theater for New Moon! SCORE! We were really excited, because we were there anyways, so it was either wait in the theater and get great seats for both movies, or wait in line that whole time and risk getting crappy seats! There was ONE guy in our whole theater for Twilight and maybe five for New Moon! There were a few crazy ladies screaming before the movie (fighting over Jacob vs. Edward)... And, not even joking, they were in their 50's. It was pretty funny! I think they had a little too much wine before they came in!! :)
Anyways, New Moon was AWESOME!!! It was my least favorite book, but they did a great job on the movie. The acting has improved since Twilight, they keep pretty close to the story line, and with the added budget for this one, it was just better!! Oh, and Taylor Lautner is RIPPED! Yes, I know he is only 17, but he got buff!
Leaving the theater was nuts though! It took us THIRTY minutes to get out of the parking garage! AH! And, this lady stood right in front of my car, so her friends could pull out, cutting of this other person trying to get out! SO ANNOYING!
So, it was a really fun night! I got home at 3:15am... and had to be up four hours later! Man, am I tired! I am off to bed!
I CAN'T WAIT FOR ECLIPSE TO COME OUT NOW!! :) I told Becca she should come to the opening of it with us!! :) I wonder if they will play Twilight or New Moon beforehand!?!? Even though the traffic sucked, I might stick with Edwards in BODO... all the theaters were used for New Moon/Twilight, so we got to pick whatever theater we wanted! :)
How fun! My sister went and did this yesterday too! I can't wait to see it also. I will probably wait for it to come on DVD. It is so hard to get out to the movie theaters these days.